LMandSR Arley and Fillongley – Shustoke 3rd single 1960

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LMandSR Arley and Fillongley - Shustoke 3rd single 1960

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As per photos.



I am not a dealer, but a keen collector (of over 50 years) of all tickets from the Railways of Great Britain pre-1965, but particularly the following categories : 


S&DJR Line M&GNJR lineN&S Jt LineBath Green Park Bristol ex MRLineBristol areaNorfolk/Suffolk areaHalts & PlatformsCar Park TicketsDittoes (such as Evercreech New EvercreechJunction etc)Unusual types (such as Curler, Cinema, stranded mariner, Passenger by Goods train etc)3 digit consecutives (such as 22, 333 etc but not022, 0333 etcAny Issued zerosInserts/Adverts on the backStation Suffixes [such as St.Albans (GN) etc]tickets with audit codes on top linetickets from the smaller pre-1923 companies.MY PREFERENCE IS FOR ISSUED/DATED TICKETS.COLLECTIONS/ACCUMULATIONS BOUGHT.

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Category: Collectables:Transportation Collectables:Railwayana:Tickets:Other Tickets
Location: Norwich